Companies & Services

Very Good Based on 2 reviews
Rated by 0.1% of 3768 visitors
Al Mataf Shipping L.L.C.-Dubai

Al Mataf Shipping L.L.C.-Dubai


AL MATAF SHIPPING LLC provides the full range of offshore marine support and services to Oil & Gas industry has been reference name in the industry since 2001.Our company is pr...

Average Based on 4 reviews
Rated by 0.1% of 3161 visitors
Atlantic Maritime Group FZE-Sharjah

Atlantic Maritime Group FZE-Sharjah


Categories: * Ship Owners * Ship Charterers * Ship Management Activities: Supply of various types of vessels to offshore industry: * Anchor-handling tug/supply vessels * Diving sup...

Excellent Based on 2 reviews
Rated by 0.4% of 563 visitors
Cal Dive International-Texas

Cal Dive International-Texas


Cal Dive International provides manned diving, derrick, pipelay and pipe burial services to the offshore oil and natural gas industry. Customers include major and independent oil a...

Excellent Based on 1 reviews
Rated by 0% of 2127 visitors
Liwa Marine Services-Abu Dhabi

Liwa Marine Services-Abu Dhabi


We are one of the leading private sector ship owners/ ship operators in Abu Dhabi with the current fleet strength totaling to forty eight vessels mainly consisting of two sisters R...

Average Based on 4 reviews
Rated by 0.3% of 1317 visitors
Middle East Marine-Dubai

Middle East Marine-Dubai


THE BEGINNINGUAE being the fastest growing hub for the shipping industry in the world, required it's growth to be complemented by a trustworthy marine service provider having an in...

Average Based on 3 reviews
Rated by 0.4% of 830 visitors
Minar Enterprises FZC-Sharjah

Minar Enterprises FZC-Sharjah


Minar is a third generation ship chandling company founded by T S Ali, in the port city of Kochi / Cochin, India. The company is currently run by his son & grandsons. Dealing ...

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