Towage Services

All companies and services under Towage Services

Companies & Listings

Miclyn Express Offshore (MENA)-Sharjah

Miclyn Express Offshore (MENA)-Sharjah

Miclyn Express Offshore is one of the leading providers of offshore support vessels, crew/utility vessels and barges to the offshore oil and gas industry, by fleet size, in our geographic area of focus, namely the Middle East, South East Asia, India and Australia. We also provide marine-related serv...

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Middle East Marine-Dubai

Middle East Marine-Dubai

THE BEGINNINGUAE being the fastest growing hub for the shipping industry in the world, required it's growth to be complemented by a trustworthy marine service provider having an intrinsic understanding of not only the needs, but also a feel of the local structure.In 2008, with a passion for ships an...

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