Advanced Watertek. The perfect answer to your fresh water needs Advanced watertek are world leaders in Reverse Osmosis Desalination the safe, reliable, cost-effective technology for converting brackish or sea water into fresh water for drinking or industrial use. With two decades of experience and a strong commitment to quality and innovation, we design, manufacture install and commission reverse osmosis desalination systems that are easy to operate, easy to maintain and highly reliable, even in the toughest conditions. Our technologically advanced systems are custom-engineered to suit any and all applications ensuring the most economical and efficient fresh-water solution, no matter how difficult the location of how saline the water supply.
Regional OfficeAdvanced Watertek LLC
PO Box 24647, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Phone: 971 4 3333100
Fax: 971 4 3332570
Head Office Advanced Watertek Pty Ltd
PO Box 4478, Myaree, Western Australia 6960
Phone: 618 9317 4893
Fax: 618 9317 4873
Its services fall under the following categories: General Manufacturers & Dealers, Water Makers.
The company’s information has been entered into the United Arab Emirates Directory records due to the importance of the services it provides.
We can infer the activities of this company with the following keywords: Shipping, Marine, Ports.
Its information will be updated soon, as we follow a periodic plan to update company data. If you have any updated information about this company, please don’t hesitate to send us via the Data Correction form in this page.
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